Monday, October 4, 2010

Honoring Krista Colvin..........

Krista will be the first of three women I will be honoring on the 10th. 

I have never met Krista face to face. As a matter of fact, we have only corresponded over email – 4 emails to be exact (and one with her brother, but more on that in a minute). 

Back in December of last year, I found Krista on the internet.  I was looking for a way to get organized for the new year and she provided just what I was looking for.  She taught people how to become organized in style and I signed up to become a VIP member. 
I started to receive emails showing me how to do the Whole SheBang  (the smart women’s guide to doing it all and doing it well of course).

During the month of January and into February, I set about following her advice. 
I loved her sense of humor and felt like I was “hanging” with a friend.

Then sometime in early March (I believe) I received an email from her stating that she was putting the SheBang on hold – she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and was going to spend her time fighting the good fight.  As a matter of fact, she was going to be -

“Putting on my big girl panties and kicking cancer in the ass “

And this became the name of her new blog.

I have followed it from Day 1 and I have to tell you – Krista puts it all out there, the good, the bad and the ugly.  Her blog is a personal look into the life she is living, with her husband, children, extended family, friends and this uninvited guest – cancer.

There are days that I cringe at her post – others that I cry and some that I laugh out loud. 
I have come to worry about Krista, to celebrate her good days and to commiserate with her bad ones. 

One day, a post caught me off guard --- so much so, that I ended up spewing coffee all over my laptop as I read it.  Immediately, I decided to email her and ask if it was okay to honor her at my shaving. 

Before too long, I received word that both she and her brother have given their consent.  Wondering why her brother was involved?  You see, Krista was starting to lose her hair.  She had very mixed feelings about it and a bit of fear.  On a family vacation, where she saw her brothers for the first time since getting her diagnosis, she went to a barber and shaved her head.  When they got back to the house they were staying in, her brother disappeared for a moment and when he came back out, all he had on was a pair of BIG GIRL PANTIES, courtesy of their Mom.  They got a pic of the two of them and this is the picture that I not only lost my coffee on but I now have their permission to post.

Great isn’t it?

I love Krista and her brother.  They demonstrate love and commitment, to each other and to fighting this thing. Krista has a huge group of people there to support her and help her through this low moment in her life.  I am honored that she is allowing all of us a glimpse into that life for I am learning much - about how to deal with a scary diagnosis, how to put up the good fight and how to live with grace and courage.

I will be carrying the above picture with me on the 10th
to take a moment to think of Krista and to honor her courage as she goes through this stage of her life.   She amazes me.


PS == If you would like to follow Krista in her journey, she would love to have you - her blog address is”

PPS == Oh and it would be totally remiss of me to not mention that it IS October.  And what is that mean?
It is Breast Cancer Awareness month - have you had your mammogram ???????
Self checked??????  Just asking!!!!!! 

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